New species discovered in 2010
From invisible squids to bald parrots to deep-sea fish with teeth on their tongues, picks the best of of 2010's newly discovered animals.
This image provided by NOAA shows a deep-sea chimaera. Chimaeras are most closely related to sharks, although their evolutionary lineage branched off from sharks nearly 400m years ago, and they have remained an isolated group ever since.
Friday, December 31, 2010
What's new?
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Lord of the Ants
A fascinating man - Ed Wilson is the ant man. Over six decades at Harvard University he has discovered more about ants than anyone else in history. He has thrown into relief for the general public just how important ants are—how they represent 25% or more of the insect biomass on the planet, how collectively they weigh more than all the humans in the world, how they assist humans by aerating the soil, suturing wounds, or, as in South Africa, harvesting the rooibos seeds for farm workers to collect. And how ancient they are: in 1966 Wilson and his colleagues identified an ant in a shard of amber that was 80m years old. Ants emerged along with flowering plants 130m years ago. By contrast, the genus Homo diverged 2m years ago, has existed as Homo sapiens for a fraction of that time, with a civilization of 20,000 years or so. Read more: Ants and Us, Published on More Intelligent Life or watch NOVA: Lord of the Ants on YouTube
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
An 8-month-old German shepherd named Rebel somehow squeezed his head through a hole in an 18-inch block wall at his Desert Hot Springs home Monday.
Then he got stuck.
Rebel may have been chasing another animal or was just curious about the hole, said Sgt. James Huffman of Riverside County Animal Services. The dog cried and whimpered until a friend of the owner heard him and called authorities. The dog’s owner wasn’t home at the time.
County Animal Services officers arrived about 12:30 p.m. and determined that the dog was not in serious danger. Huffman said they concluded that if the dog was able to get his head into the hole, they would be able to pull him out without damaging the wall, but their main concern was not to hurt Rebel while getting him out.
An officer got on either side of the wall, tucked in the dog’s ears and nudged him back and forth for about 30 minutes before getting him out safely.
This bald, grey-skinned creature was shot and killed in Lebanon Junction, Kentucky, after it emerged from woodland into the garden of a home.
The animal, which has large ears, whiskers and a long tail, has sparked intense debate on the internet, with some claiming it is one of the mythical chupacabras.
... I don't know, it kind of looks like a hairless raccoon. What do you think?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dogs Are Santa's Favorites
An Poll, conducted October 13-20, 2010, by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications, found that 53 percent of pet owners plan to get their animals a present this holiday season. Of these, fifty-six percent of the dog owners say they'll buy their pets a gift this Christmas, but only 48 percent of the cat owners plan a gift.
Also interesting: women (56 percent) are somewhat more likely than men (49 percent) to buy their animals a gift. The poll also showed that renters (66 percent) are more apt to pamper their pets than homeowners (49 percent). And while fewer than half of those who attend religious services weekly or more often say they plan to buy their pets a gift, 60 percent of those who never attend services do.
And while we're talking about Christmas gifts for pets, don't forget to get yours, at
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Escaped Reindeer Found Hiding Under Elf House
LAKELAND, Fla. -- A reindeer escaped from a nativity scene in Lakeland, but was later caught hiding under an elf house, police said Tuesday. While the story sounds like a Christmas tale, police say it's true. A caller to police early Tuesday morning said the reindeer had escaped from the nativity scene at Highland Park Church of the Nazarene on Lake Highlands Road. Church personnel responded to the area where the reindeer, appropriately named Rudy (short for Rudolph, of course), was seen running loose. They chased the deer around the property before finding Rudy hiding under the "elf house," police said. Rudy, who was unharmed, is now in the care of his owner and being kept at his house to prevent another escape from his enclosure on the church property. Police said Rudy is small in stature and, while he looks like a baby deer, he is actually 3 years old. Source
Did Animals Make Humans Human?
A well-researched article in examines anthropologist Pat Shipman's premise that the unique ability to observe and control the behavior of other animals is what allowed us to become the humans that we are. While some of Shipman's colleagues are skeptical, others describe her work as a promising new framework for looking at human evolution, one that highlights the extent to which the human story has been a collection of interspecies collaborations — between humans and dogs and horses, goats and cats and cows, and even microbes. read more
Just incase you were wondering - US$11,542,683
Sotheby's: Audubon sells for record £7.3m
LONDON 7 DECEMBER 2010 --- This evening, one of the most magnificent printed books ever produced, John James Audubon’s Birds of America, sold at Sotheby’s London for £7,321,250/ US$11,542,683, establishing a new world record for any printed book ever sold at auction. A fiery enthusiasm among four collectors bidding on the phones and in the room drove the price rapidly beyond pre-sale expectations (£4-6 million/ US$6.3-9.5 million). The book was bought by London dealer Michael Tollemache, who was bidding in the room and who described the work after the sale as “priceless”. SourceTuesday, December 7, 2010
How much?
LONDON -- Sotheby's is auctioning a rare copy of John James Audubon's "Birds of America," billed as the world's most expensive book - a treasure that could sell for 6 million pounds ($9.5 million).
One of only 100 or so remaining copies of "Birds of America," the tome will be on the block Tuesday in London alongside a first edition of Shakespeare's plays expected to fetch at least 1 million pounds ($1.6 million).
The books come from the estate of the 2nd Baron Hesketh, an aristocratic book collector who died in 1955. Another complete copy of "Birds of America" was sold by Christie's for $8.8 million in 2000, a record for a printed book at auction.
The collection of 435 hand-colored prints is made from engravings of Audubon's illustrations.
Winter Pet Safety
What a great idea!
Morton® Safe-T-Pet™ Ice Melt was developed with veterinarians to be safer for your furry friends. It's completely salt and chloride free - so it won't irritate pets' paws or stomachs. Morton® Safe-T-PetT Ice Melt is also non-toxic, and it won't irritate skin, so it's better for people and plants, as well as paved surfaces.
Pet and people friendly: Veterinarian approved, chloride-free, non-toxic
Safer for environment: Better for plants and concrete than regular salt
Easy to see: Colored pellets provide clear visibility
To celebrate Morton Salt’s new Facebook Fan Page, they have launched a contest, “What’s Your Morton Salt Secret?” They’re looking for readers to share a photo of their best nifty tip, trick or use of Morton Salt.
The grand prize winner will receive a $1,000 AMEX gift card and a Morton Salt prize pack. Morton Salt will also be awarding four Runner-up winners and six Sweepstakes winners with prize packs!
You can enter the contest here
.Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Koala Bears - cute & endangered
Most of us, by now, know that koala are not really "bears."
But did you also know that koalas are social animals and can communicate with each other over long distances? But the most important fact about koalas is that the impact of intense urbanization has resulted in the destruction of their habitat, while the attacks of other animals, like domestic dogs and foxes, and traffic accidents, are causing the koala population to decline.
Source: Environmental Graffiti
Monday, November 29, 2010
Another celeb Frenchie fan
Ashley Olsen touched down at Los Angeles airport with her adorable traveling companion.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Shopping for gifts? Remember homeless animals
During this happy season of gift giving, please take a moment to give a gift to a hard working, tireless, and very worthy Animal Welfare or Animal Rescue organization in your neighborhood. appreciates and supports the hard work and valuable services performed by animal welfare agencies and rescue organizations, so we offer them FREE SHIPPING on their orders. If you are ordering for a welfare or rescue, please e-mail me for the coupon code and you will receive free shipping on any order delivered to a rescue, welfare, or humane society address.
If you're looking for the best value, to gift many rescued animals, consider USA Rawhide Seconds/Irregulars, 10 pounds of USA Rawhide (approx. 15 to 25 pieces) for $22.50, or Dog Toys, starting as low as $1.00 each. also has a great selection of Christmas Themed treats and chewies, some in bulk packs of 50 pieces - great gifts to keep homeless pets busy and happy at any time.
Posted by
10:53 AM
Labels: animal welfare,, rawhide_chews, USA rawhide
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
So much to be THANKFUL for . . . . . . Loving family . . . Great friends . . . Delightful pets . . . A beautiful world ... Have an excellent Thanksgiving, everyone. PEACE!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Photograph by Michael McEvoy, DEEP Indonesia/Barcroft/Fame Pictures
A close-up of a blue-eyed moray eel in Indonesia captured an honorable mention in the "Indonesia Residents" category of the fourth annual Deep Indonesia International Underwater Photo Competition, whose winning photos were released to the press earlier this month.
Known to grow as long as about 5 feet (1.5 meters), moray species generally lack pectoral fins, unlike most other eel species.
A Squirrel's Guide to Fashion
In the early 1940s, a woman in Washington, DC, adopted a squirrel after she found the critter orphaned in a tree. The squirrel, dubbed Tommy Tucker by the family -- of which he soon became a part -- accompanied the lady of the house on shopping trips, visits to the local children's hospital, and the like. She also, it turned out, enjoyed dressing him up in specially made outfits.
via The Pet Museum
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Soldiers and dogs deploy for Afghanistan
FT. LEONARD WOOD, MO -- Families and friends said their farewells to about a dozen military men, women, and dogs Monday.
Ft. Leonard Wood held a deployment ceremony for the Engineer Canine Company, 5th Engineer Battalion.
The group included 5 working dogs and their handlers, plus 4 veterinarian technicians.
The soldiers are headed to Afghanistan to support Operation Enduring Freedom.
Rachael Ray Donates $775,000 to Pets in Need
Wouldn't it be great if more wealthy celebrities would do this? ... This holiday season, Ray is donating 100 percent of proceeds from her Nutrish and Just 6 pet food and treat lines to animal shelters nationwide, giving away a total of $775,000 before Dec. 31. Currently on the road to promote her newest cookbook, Look + Cook, Ray is also sponsoring pop-up adoption events for the shelters she's supporting in the hopes of raising awareness for her cause. "We only give to no-kill shelters," she says. "But we give to small and large; no one's excluded. We want to keep as many animals alive as possible." Source
New large pink moth discovered in Arizona
The mountains of southeastern Arizona have been a favorite collecting site for lepidopterists for generations. Yet new species continue to be described at the rate of about three per year.
One of the latest discoveries is the largest member of the genus Lithophane, a group of particularly large and beautifully coloured moths. Lithophane leeae has a forewing length 25% larger than the previous record, measuring 25mm, and more extensive and brighter pink coloration. So far known from a single female collected at 7,700ft elevation in mid-June in the Chiricahua Mountains, this species is predicted to feed on pine, like related species.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Penguin Gets Prosthetic Beak
Five month-old Tungo was found on a beach in Rio de Janeiro with a shattered bill that had been damaged by a boat propeller.
Discovering that he was unable to eat, vets at Rio de Janeiro zoo built him a brand-new acrylic beak, shaped from a broken piece of the original.
This is the first operation of its type on a penguin in Latin America.
via Neatorama
Huge Boa Constrictor Found In Car Engine
A California couple returning from a trip to the grocery store Thursday found a 9-foot boa constrictor under the hood of their car. Animal control workers used a little cooking oil to loosen the red tail boa's grip on the car engine. It's not clear where the snake came from. But animal control workers said they suspect it broke free from its owner's care. Source
Friday, November 19, 2010
Photography by Tim Flach
Photo credit: Tim Flach . . . the best dog photos I've seen in a long time.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mom to the rescue
This incredible scene was captured minutes after a herd of buffalo tried to drive a lioness and her babies from their den.
The watchful lioness carefully nestled each one-day-old cub between her jaws and padded to a nearby bush for safety in Okavago, Botswana.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Look out, Rudolph!
UK supermarket Lidl is under fire for stocking reindeer meat and is accused of destroying the magic of Christmas.
Story includes a recipe for reindeer stew if you're interested.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Putin Falls in Love
Russian PM Vladimir Putin hugs and kisses the Bulgarian Shepherd puppy that his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov presented to him in Sofia on Saturday, Nov 13.
The Bulgarian Prime Minister has a passion for canine pets and the Bulgarian Shepherd Dog is his favorite breed. He states that politicians should be like these dogs, explaining that a Bulgarian Shepherd is "faithful, strong, fights predators and bad people, and is a very good guard."
Another male puppy of Borisov's is reportedly being secretly trained as a gift for present US President Barack Obama.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
14 Celeb Cat Ladies Who Defy The Cat Lady Stereotype
Clutch Blog has gathered info on celebrity cat owners. Some might surprise you. For example, that Martha Stewart owns 6 of them!
via The Daily What
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Animals in War
Veterans Day
We are blessed with selfless, caring, individuals who are willing to risk their lives to maintain our freedom and well being. Take a moment on this Veterans Day to remember the sacrifices of the humans and non-humans who give themselves up in service.
Throughout military history, animals have gone to war alongside humans. In On War: Animals in War see a gallery of photos from the Civil War to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Christmas Treats for your furry friends
Time to start Christmas shopping? has a wide variety of Holiday Themed pet chewies and rawhide treats for all your furry friends.
Check out the Christmas stockings in all sizes, the rawhide candy canes and other goodies.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Rare New Guinea Singing Dogs Discovered in Pennsylvania
New Guinea Singing Dog is the name of an ancient, rare type of primitive canine that once inhabited all of the island of New Guinea. [wiki]
Why are they called singing dogs? Listen
Until one month ago, only 150 were known to exist in captivity -- most of those in world zoos. But last month, in a small town west of Harrisburg, Pa., about 80 of these unique dogs were discovered living with a hoarder. Randy A. Hammond, 58, obtained his first two NGSD at an Ohio flea market in 1995. A man gave him another pair shortly thereafter, and all the dogs found at his property are descendants from those two pairings of singing dogs.
via Digg
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Show Your Local Animal Shelter Some Love
National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week is Nov. 7-13, 2010 The Humane Society of the United States' National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week is a way to honor animal shelters and their dedicated staff across the country. There are approximately 4,000 animal shelters across the U.S., available to serve the estimated 6-8 million homeless animals who seek refuge each year. While 63 percent of American households include pets, only 10 percent of owned dogs and 18 percent of owned cats are adopted from animal shelters. Spread the word about animals waiting to be adopted, and celebrate the many services provided by your local animal shelter. If you'd like to SEND A DONATION to your local animal shelter, please remember that offers FREE SHIPPING on all orders benefiting an animal welfare agency or pet rescue group. That's our way of helping with their very worthy efforts. (e-mail me for the coupon code) link
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I-Pets on Twitter
We have been working on getting our twitter account for up and running, and while it's a work in progress, we'd like to share with you now! I-Pets would love to see some of your friendly faces on twitter. You can find us here:
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Phew, that was a long rest!
Took a little vacation from blogging ... I'm asking some friends to help with the blog & hopefully we'll be updating more frequently with exciting, fun posts. Stay tuned!