Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hawaiian Hairless Rubber Cat

The 'Kohona' aka 'Hawiian Hairless', 'Rubber Cat'. You've NEVER heard of a Kohana??? Well, its not surprising, most people haven't. What IS a Kohana? The Kohana is the result of a mutation originating in Hawaii and is the ONLY true hairless breed of cat. It's true! Kohana's have no fuzz whatsoever... no hair follicles... Where a Sphynx feels like a warm peach, a Kohana feels more like a warm candle. To date, there are only 18 of these cats in existence, but they've stirred up a huge interest for such a small number. Twice the charm of a Sphynx?? Or twice as ugly.... You be the judge. (via)


Jan said...

I guess people can learn to love any pet but ewwwwww.....

Matt said...

I guess that's good for those allergic to cat hair...but still...

Unknown said...

I think they are absolutely beautiful, just like any other animal & that they deserve a place in our hearts.

Ai Rattery said...

I think it is increadibly sad that people want to breed all the "mistakes" of mother earth just because it's different and therefore interesting and valuable. I can not imagine these cats being completely healthy and happy. People should stop messing with perfectly good creations, a cat is supposed to be a cat, with fur, claws, WHISKERS, and other things cats NEED...instead of creating these poor things. Cats are made the way they originally were for a reason... This is just like "breeding" with armless kids with down syndrome because they look so "different"...

Unknown said...

I took that picture in 2005.

Guy with last post. If you follow the Genus of Felix you would understand that the first felines did not have hair.

Do you think cats in the desert had long hair?

They have claws. And they are NOT being created. That is the ONLY one like that. Ever. The breeders have never repeated the homozygous breeding. All but him, are outcrossed with Sphynx, yet, the "RUBBER" gene is dominate over Sphynx.

Unknown said...

.. and you compared the genetic differences to that of a person with no arms? Like you said, your imagination has a limit to comprehend the personality of Hairless cats.